Add people to Workplace using an access code or link
Computer Help
Computer Help
This article is only applicable to admins with relevant permissions.
There are several ways you can add people to your organization’s Workplace. This article covers how to add people using an access code or link.
- Learn how to add people using their email address, mobile phone number, or a Microsoft Excel or CSV file.
Adding people to Workplace with an access code
This option is useful if you want to add someone to your Workplace who does not have a work email address or mobile number.
Before starting, ensure that Profile creation with access codes is turned on. Check this by going to Settings in Admin Panel.
When this is done:
- Click Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
- Click People.
- Click Add people in the top right, then select Add one person.
- Complete at least all required information (name and employee ID), then click Add person.
- In People, click next to the account you’ve just created and select Get access code.
- Send this access code to the employee and ask them to activate their Workplace account at Here, they will create a username and password.
- If you have created several access codes, you can click in the top right of People and then select Get access codes. When you click Send, we’ll email you a link to download the access codes for all relevant accounts in your organization.
Note: Access codes are sensitive data. Anyone in possession of an unused access code will have full access to the account to which the code relates. Distribution of access codes should be tightly controlled.
Adding people with a link
You can share a link for up to 300 people to create their Workplace account.
To do this:
- Click Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
- Click People.
- Click Add people in the top right, then select Add multiple people.
- Copy the link that appears and share this with the people you’re inviting.
- This link expires in 2 weeks.
When people use this link, they enter their own details to create their Workplace account. This account will then need to be approved by an admin. Then, the person can activate their account.
Approve or reject all access requests at once
- From your News Feed, click Admin Panel in the left menu.
- Click Access requests.
- Select either Reject All Requests or Approve All Requests.
Note: Only system admins are able to approve or reject access requests to their Workplace.