Export Workplace support tickets to CSV format

Computer Help

Export your organization’s Workplace support tickets to CSV format

  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Contact support Contact Support at the bottom of the Admin Panel menu.
  3. Click Export.
    • Before doing this, you can customize the exported list of tickets by selection options from the search bar under Direct Support. Click + to reveal more filtering options.

Column titles in the CSV file

The downloaded CSV is organized by columns:
  • Question ID: ticket number.
  • Title: title of the ticket.
  • Description: subject of the ticket.
  • Creator ID: ID of the person who submitted the ticket.
  • Creator: name of the person who submitted the ticket.
  • Topic: category of the ticket issue.
  • Priority: priority that was submitted when the ticket was created.
  • Status: ticket status at time of export.
  • Created: date the ticket was submitted.
  • Modified on: date the ticket was modified at time of export.
  • Escalated: ticket escalated or not.
Learn about bulk exporting data on people or groups in your Workplace.

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