Upload files to a Workplace group or comment

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You can upload a maximum of 6 files of up to 50MB each to a post. You can only add files to your post when you’re posting to a group that you’re a part of.

Upload a file from your computer

  1. Click Write something... in the composer of a group.
  2. Click at the top of the composer.
  3. Select Upload from computer.
  4. Choose the file and click Open. To select more than one file, hold Ctrl on your keyboard (for PC) or Command (for Mac) and choose your files.
  5. You can add text to your post. When you’re done, click Post.
PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX and PDF files will generate a preview. You can view uploaded files by going to the group they were posted in.

Add files using integrations

Your system admin will need to have enabled integrations on your Workplace for you to do this.
  1. Click Write something... in the composer of a group you want to share a file to.
  2. Click at the top of the composer.
  3. You can choose to upload files from: Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, SharePoint or OneDrive.
  4. Choose the file and click Open or Select. To select more than one file, hold Ctrl on your keyboard (for PC) or Command (for Mac) and choose your files.
  5. You can add text to your post. When you’re done, click Post.
Google Docs and Slides will also generate a preview. Other file types supported by your service provider will be shown as an icon with a title of the file or document.

Add files to a comment

  1. Select the Comment icon below the post you wish to comment on.
  2. From the icons displayed, select
  3. Select a file and click Open or Select.
  4. When you’re ready to post the comment, press Enter on your keyboard.

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