View insights for your post on Workplace

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When you create a post on Workplace, you can view your post insights to track engagement across your Workplace.
To view post insights, click Insights on the top right of your post. On the left panel, you can choose to view the following insights:
  • Overview: this section shows general post insights, including Seen by (the number of people who have viewed your post on their Feed or in a group you posted to), Comments and Reactions.
  • Post engagement: this section shows Average reading time and Comment sentiment.
  • Engagement across Workplace: this section highlights your post’s audience across Workplace. You can view Audience engagement and People who saw your post.
  • Engagement over time: this is a graph that shows the number of people who saw, reacted or commented on your post over a period of time. You can set the date range, or choose between a start date and end date.

Workplace Live video

While a Workplace Live broadcast is in progress, the number of live viewers can be seen in the top left of the video frame. This number will increase and decrease as people start or stop watching your broadcast.

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