Tag coworkers in your Workplace post

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You can tag coworkers or groups in your posts and also in comments on other people’s posts.

Tag a coworker or group

  1. When writing a post or a comment, press @ on your keyboard and start typing your coworker’s name or the name of the group you want to tag.
  2. A list will appear to suggest relevant names.
  3. Choose the coworker or group from the list that appears as you type.
When you tag a coworker or a group, the name will appear as a blue link which will click through to the coworker’s profile or the tagged group. Coworkers that are tagged in your post will also get notifications related to that post.

Remove a tag

To remove a tagged coworker from a post you've created, you can edit the post to remove their name. To remove a coworker from a comment, you can delete the comment, or edit the comment and remove their name.

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