Edit or delete your Workplace post
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- Click
in the top right of your post.
- Click
Edit post.
- Make your changes, then click Save.
If you've added photos as part of your post, you can also delete a photo without deleting the entire post:
- Click
in the top right of your post.
- Click
Edit post.
- Hover over the photos you'd like to delete and click
in the top right.
- Click Save.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to delete photos from a post you've shared from a third-party app. You also won't be able to upload files or change files that you've already uploaded after you've published your post.
- Click
in the top right of your post.
- Click
Delete post, then click Delete to confirm.
Note: Group admins can remove posts from other users in their groups, but they can't edit them.